Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

team player

it's sometimes difficult to admit, but i'm rarely taken very seriously.

so it came as a bit of a surprise when my sweet friend asked me to be on her birthing team (as a shortstop). she's pregnant with her second child and will have her husband and a dhoula in the room with her, and she's asked for me and another friend as well.

when she asked me i was completely honored and elated and bragged to a few friends...and then read the 'birth in a nutshell' chapter in a book she lent me.

ummm, that shit sounds crazy.

i don't know why it shocked me so much considering i've thought of being a midwife or dhoula before. but, it fell in the same category as being a bush pilot in east africa, or a school marm in a one room schoolhouse (oh, wait).

but i said yes and i'm going to do it with ghusto.

she said she asked me because she and her husband see me as both calming and funny, which i take as the highest compliment. but, in all honesty, me and my antics get pretty annoying pretty fast when birth is on the line.

no worries. we came up with a safety word. if anyone in the room says it, i am to quietly take my leave.

the word, you ask?

zucchini plant.


  1. What's a dhoula?

    And "gusto" doesn't have an "h." But zucchini does.

  2. i knew there was a reason we were friends.

    a dhoula is an earthy birth coach.
