Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Friday, February 18, 2011

mama mia, here i go again

heading to my grad assistantship gig this morning, i heard the regular annoying banter from the dj's on the morning show. and for some reason i kept listening.

come to find out, they were interviewing two of the leads of the touring company for 'mama mia.' and one of them just happened to be a guy i worked with way back in regional theatre, some 48 years ago. i really only remember that a) he was always really really really chipper and b) his name is 'happy.'

i didn't know him well. certainly not well enough to contact him to say, 'hey, you're in my home town touring a broadway show and i'm here because i live here and have seventeen jobs and am not completely sure what i'm doing with my life.'

it was just one of those moments when i reevaluated everything going on in my life and everything i'm working towards. and it's not like i want his life or career. sure, touring a broadway show sounds fun and, hey, living the highlife from the fame of a national olive garden commercial is probably pretty sweet (yes, he's in an olive garden commercial), but i think i'm okay.

i still like my life, even if i'm not always happy.


  1. For what it's worth, I think you're doing just fine.

  2. thank you. day by day. baby steps and all that.
