Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Monday, June 13, 2011

grand central station

we set up an 'office' at every film location. it usually consists of three or four of us hunkered down at our laptops. we keep on working so the film can keep on filming, and we take whatever setup we can get.

so far, we've been on a picnic table under a tree, in an auditorium with the cast of 'hairspray' rehearsing behind us, in a board room flush with furniture from 1987, an empty store in a strip mall, the upstairs private dining room at a country club, and an out-of-business furniture showroom.

today, we're in a quiet, cool room with four large, round tables with white tablecloths and white chairs. it's called the 'terrace room' and as offices go, this one is pretty nice, except that, for some reason it's become the hot spot for activity.

it began this morning when the women's tennis team at the club decided to have their 'after match snack wrap' in this room since we were filming on their patio. they were sweet and talked about lots things like the olympics in beijing and salmonella poisoning. then one of the girls playing a stripper came in because she needed a good place to do her yoga. she stretched in a couple corners, but found the best place to be right inside the door. one of the grips decided to play some upbeat, jaunty songs on the piano. one of the actors fell asleep on a love seat, snoring loudly. i walked back in from lunch to find lights set up so that another actor could film an audition, but it took longer than he intended because the snoring kept interrupting him.

really, it's like any other office.

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