Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

odd jobs 101

so today i woke up and attended 'boot camp.' it's a fun (not really) way to work out early early in the morning and i completely regret it until the end of the hour.

i got home and realized i had to watch two more films for the local film festival, of which i am a judge - somehow this shit happens to me.

but today is a day when i babysit for my friends and their beautiful little newborn. she's really perfect and i just sit on their sofa and hold her when she sleeps so they can work on their laptops and i watch television, or the television is on, and today i had the hardest time staying awake.

and now i'm trying to get stuff together to be a school marm tomorrow. i've procrastinated to the bitter end, which is hilarious, and now i have to figure out how to make copies before i head to their place at 830 in the a. m.
-but i just typed and printed work from the workbook...yes, i did. i typed it because they only have a workbook for the teacher (that's me) and not the one for the students - hence typing and copies. but i'm excited and terrified because i also have to tell them of the potential crazy that's going on with maybe a new job or maybe a new blip in the history of my life. who knows. but i want to tell them and have the tension start as soon as possible.

but to add to all the fun, a director i worked with in march on the alligator picture show called me last night and asked if i could go out to the owner of the alligator's trailer and record him saying a line that was messed up in the original audio - which means that i will have to scrub down afterwards because the place makes me feel crazy creepy crawly...but not because of the alligator. it might be the dust or the cats or the porn. one can't say.

and my brain is about to explode.

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