Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Sunday, March 21, 2010

holy mother

met with the new director at a coffeeshop that he's shooting in. i believe this place prides itself on the 'eh, anything goes, just be cool' mentality. when the director asked if they would be open on thursday at 9am, the employee - a tall drink of water, lanky and attired in jean shorts and suspenders (as one would expect) - stared at the director for a long time and then said, 'i don't know. maybe.'

and then we ordered coffee. i ordered a medium, decaffeinated cafe au leit and the young gentleman asked how to make it. i tried to explain, not knowing what details he was missing, but he nodded like he understood and then i reminded him to make it a decaf...

---just remembered one summer i spent as a bartender. i knew not how to make any drink and often asked the customers to walk me through it. usually worked, except for pina colladas.---

um...so yeah, i don't think the 'decaf' specification was met because at the moment it feels like my heart might soon explode. as the meeting with the director progressed i began to talk faster and faster and ended every (arbitrary and ridiculous) anecdote by lifting my shoulders and saying, 'so we'll see how it goes.' - and i believe i acquired a facial tic on the walk back to my car.

but it looks like fun - the film. i think. my brain is apparently reacting to the hard core crank coursing through my body right now so i don't really know if i'm thinking clearly or not or what i'm even thinking about, but i have a lot of work to do this week, but it's all film related, which is a lot of fun - and i think it's going to be...just lost my train of thought.

the rain falls, and the sky is gray and i should watch one of the films i need to watch for school ('harold and maude' and 'you can count on me'), but that seems particularly difficult right now. reason being i don't remember how to work the dvd player. and the idea of sitting down and watching something and not doing anything makes me want to cry. maybe i'll jog in place.

i am right now reminded why i do not usually or voluntarily consume caffeine. it is not fun and i will probably not sleep for another - not another - for the next three days and when i try to sleep i'll lie down and my heart will continue to race and i'll become really jumpy and talk incessantly about the color of throw pillows or the history of 'the carol burnette show.' who knows. but thanks, young fella, for your delightful clothing choices and your knowledge of coffees and listening to my order and quite possibly causing my heart to fail. i salute you, dear one.

okay, i need to watch footage and see if i need to reshoot this week - and i really don't want to because that would suck. really suck.

okay, this is it. the end.


side note - the owner of the establishment is running for mayor because apparently we live in crazy town.


  1. You just affirmed my guess - I knew it was that insane place (we take the kids there).

    I hope you get some sleep. If not, Benedryl.

  2. it is crazy town every time i've been there - though it's been a while. but yeah, in-sane. but i don't think it's the 'insane' they were going for.

  3. Oh, god, I avoid that place at all costs.

  4. i went a couple times when it first opened because it was the go-to place for upstart meetings. but even then it felt like a pretend place - like even the patrons were part of the game.
