Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

laura? hi, thanks for comin in...

yes, i am (kind of) proud to announce that i have a job interview tomorrow.

not exactly sure what the job entails - hours, wages, responsibilities, duties, etc - but, hey, why should that stop me?

i'm kind of excited because what i do know is that film editing is somehow involved - but this should not be confused with editing film (i.e. creativity is not involved).

my thoughts regarding the possibility of this new job:

- a steady paycheck is always good.
- meeting new people is good.
- i can look at it as a job in my field, but there's a greater chance that it's akin to wanting to be a zoologist and settling for a job at the zoo's concession stand.
- i'm not exactly in a place to be picky.
- it's somewhat close to home.
- there's a chance that it's on a bus route so i can be all responsible and socially inept in an interestingly 'quirky' way.
- i will not be able to watch as many law&order episodes as i yearn to do. (is this good or bad?)
- it could actually impair my ability to take on freelance opportunities.
- it breaks the maja requirement of 'time flexibility.' - although, again, have not actually interviewed and know very little about the position.

so...i'm just stressin.

and what's really funny is that i'm thinking of this as if the job were already offered to me. oh, the fun of delusion.

(please see me when i am not offered the job and i think back on this (unclear) opportunity as the greatest missed chance of my life.)

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