Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

life lessons

i've learned a great deal during these crappy, overcast, damp cold days we call winter. and i thought, you know, since i'm now a mentor, it's time i share my wisdom and help others learn from my experiences.

so if you find yourself in a winter funk, whatever happens, DO NOT:
check facebook info and compare yourself with old classmates. everyone puts their best foot (face) forward, which means that everyone appears happy and successful no matter what's really going on in their lives.

believe that your hair actually looks better if you go that extra day without washing it. it doesn't.

avoid washing dishes. this might be tough, but seriously, the more the dishes pile up, the worse you'll feel.

eat batter.

stand in direct sunlight in front of a mirror while holding an infant. it's true, the children are our future. they are sweet and hopeful and loving and beautiful and wonderful and will make you look haggard. yes, haggard, wrinkled, chapped, and angry.

leave the house wearing anything resembling sleep attire. just don't. pajama bottoms are not cute. the heels hang over your old, worn clogs and dirty on the concrete. and you'll catch your reflection and see that your ass appears wide, flat, and large.

go to the grocery. seems counter-intuitive, i know. but you will regret every single purchase you make and inevitably - inevitably - you'll run into someone from your youth who's now a pilates instructor and looks really, really put together (i.e. bathed recently).
i hope this helps.

stay strong.


  1. I'd like to add another layer onto the baby/mirror thing: this is especially deadly when done first thing in the morning, as I learned today. HORRIFIC. I have never felt and looked more like the cryptkeeper.

  2. it's seriously one of the most frightening things out there.

  3. I love that this is labeled mentor. Can I sign up for your life lessons program?

  4. of course. i'll be teaching weekend workshops starting in april.
