Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

really tired

have to finish a paper for school, but at least today was a relatively early day. i can still see daylight.

tonight, though, the director's grandparents are having everyone over cocktails (shrimp and alcoholic).

i'm tired and kind of on the verge of tears just because i'm so tired. but it's a good tired. i spend a lot of time on the phone and driving and running errands and picking up actors (one in particular decided to 'jump' in the shower when i called and said i was five minutes away. another one would only do a scene for a case of diet rite and then refused to do multiple takes because it wasn't his thing.)

i got to be an actor today and felt like i sucked. so that was annoying. (i usually feel like i'm doing something wrong and that my name is starting to mean 'dumbass mcdumbass,' but hey. i can't tell.)

and then the director was almost arrested because we shot at an apartment complex without permission (hilarious).

and i'm really sunburnt and look like someone who actually goes in the sun.


  1. Look, I only do one take and I really like Diet Rite, OK? Why does everyone have a problem with that?

    (Also: you never have and never will suck as an actor. Perhaps you should be positively reinforced with a can of Diet Rite?)

  2. Diet Rite? That's awesome. I always keep a spare case in my trunk in case some recalcitrant artiste needs bribing.

  3. Prima donnas and their bloody Diet Rites.

  4. at the time it seemed like a completely rational conversation to have with someone - to trade for a case of diet rite. but now it seems a smidge absurd.
