Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Friday, July 9, 2010

long time no si

so, apparently i have not really kept up with this thing for the past two months or so. hilarious, i know.

it isn't that i've been sitting in my little hobbit house with the world going on without me. oh no, far from it. i think it actually was more to the fact that tons has happened - i've had a few minor little go to pieces, traveled to the antipodes and back, questioned my career, and have simply been trying to get my brain around what i am now aware of is 'my life.' and somehow writing it down seemed like a completely impossible and overwhelming task.

but with the (not so subtle) urgings of my friend (thank you, amy), i am persevering.

to sum up:
since april 22, i have...

chauffeured wealthy tulsa folks around town in a 16 passenger van
spent a hot afternoon at the stables of a race track
voted in the mayoral primary
visited the aunties in connecticut where i was told, once again, that i 'will never be a great beauty, but [i] sure am cute.'
attended a fancy dancy wine tasting at the marriott marquis
sobbed yet again while watching the end of 'roman holiday'
became a plumber
strolled on the long island sound
helped a man who fell off a bike
realized how many burt reynolds movies i haven't seen
got ruthann all fixed up...kind of
ran into an old friend on barrow street
performed an irish striptease
finally saw 'wicked'
almost ruined my graduate career
got a raise at the job i'm not legally allowed to talk about
attended my lovely friend's book reading
turned the historic age of 33
starred in a screwball comedy
stayed for two weeks mere feet from a giant teepee
saw the wild bill hickock memorial
ate pig brains
drove across three states
went clubbing in buenos aires
sang vamos vamos argentina
ate at the meager loin
witnessed the strangely disturbing 'florida tango show'
'learned' to dance the tango
was told i look like a campbell soup kid and justin bieber
continued to purchase and eat loads of candy
walked a tightrope
slept in a renovated stable on the pampas
watched gauchos compete to be the best darn gaucho
got stopped at customs
met some amazingly, talented wonderful new friends and writers
laughed my ass off with amy
swam and floated away at a lake
i think that's it. i shall expound later.

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