Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Friday, July 23, 2010

that's the way it was

while a chauffeur, i had the luxury of listening to satellite radio (when the bag lady wasn't in the car). and even though i had every type of music at my fingertips, i spent a lot of time on the 50s station.

i love - love love love - bubblegum pop.

now, i understand that it was a different time. i know that most songs were about being the perfect girl to get the perfect boy and all that. but then there are songs that even in the context of the 1950s seem completely apeshit crazy.

like lesley gore's hit 'that's the way boys are.'

i had never heard it before and sang along heartily, and then i paid attention to the lyrics. and i froze. froze behind the wheel. jaw agape. shocked. i mean...wtf?
When I'm with my guy and he watches all the pretty girls go by...
Well I feel so hurt deep inside, I wish that I could die!
Not a word do I say...
I just look the other way!
'Cause that's the way boys are!
That's the way boys are!

When he treats me rough and he acts as though he doesn't really care...
Well, I never tell him that he is so unfair!
Plus, he loves me and I know it...
But he's just afraid to show it!
'Cause that's the way boys are!
That's the way boys are!

Oh, when he wants to be alone...
I just let him be!
'Cause I know that soon enough...
He will come back to me!

When we have a fight,
I think that I won't see him anymore!
Then before I know it - there he is...
Standin' at my door!
Well I let him kiss me then...
'Cause I know he wants me back again!
That's the way boys are!
Yes, that's the way boys are!

Oh, I love him!
Well now, that's the way boys are!
I said that's the way boys are!
thank god for the second wave. seriously, thank god.

(just found out lesley gore is a lesbian. interesting.)


  1. Oh, Lesley. I think we all saw that coming.

    I love the song "Wives Should Be Lovers Too," BUT WAIT! I hate the lyrics. I just love the song. I think we listened to it once when you were here. It's awful.

  2. i really love music from that time, but seriously, there are some frightening ones out there.
