Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Thursday, February 4, 2010

is it legal to advertise for a drug mule?

checked out craigslist and found an ad for a personal assistant. ten hours a week (check) and paid vacation (check check). i sent my resume with a slight cover letter telling of my interest and asking for more information.

i expected a local millionaire looking for a charming girl friday to hop around town taking care of daily tasks...um, no.

i received an email back from 'ron' with a job description that stated that the persons would be required to do such things as receive correspondence, fill in forms and papers from the manager's instructions, mail packages out, and receive money for each package shipped. and yet for a job 'description,' i still knew very little, especially about these elusive packages they keep talking about. but i clicked on the provided link anyway and registered (it did not require a social security number).
side note - the 'link' was for a shipping company in europe. hmm...

without any other correspondence from 'ron,' i received an employment agreement from 'karl.' it had no real information, but did include some interesting line items:
'If Employee refuses to send the parcels received to the company’s representatives he will be prosecuted by law. Maximum delay of sending parcel is 1-2 days,'


'The term of this Agreement shall be twelve (12) full consecutive months commencing from the date of Employee’s arrival in United States...' [emphasis mine]


i emailed 'karl' and asked how large the parcels would be (i have a small house) and if there was anything illegal going on. i probably should have asked many more questions - like 'have i actually been hired?' 'wait, what?' 'what the hell?' 'are you shipping drugs?' 'are you a real person?' etc.

we shall see...

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