Miss Kubelik, one doesn't get to be a second administrative assistant around here unless he's a pretty good judge of character, and as far as I'm concerned you're tops. I mean, decency-wise and otherwise-wise.

- C. C. Baxter, The Apartment

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

we begin

soooooo, let's start at the beginning - or a bit later than that. a year ago, january of 2009 i was laid off with many others from a career in accounting. that ain't my background at all. i have an undergraduate degree in the performing arts (because i thought ahead) and somehow with all my temp jobs over the years i acquired the experience that equalled a degree in accounting. so that's that. but then i was screwed anyway and laid off. and it was the happiest day of my life.

i actually liked my job, which scared the hell out of me. i liked where i worked and who i worked with and knew that if not pushed i could end up staying there for ten years or so and then miss out on what i really want to do with my life, which is __________.

but then one morning i walked in and discovered that i was not invited to a meeting already underway and knew right then and there that the moment had come. i sat at my desk and deleted all my personal emails from the year past and bet a coworker that i'd be laid off that day (i won and she still owes me 20 bucks) and then my boss leaned in my door, tear stained face, and asked me to come with her. we sat in a small conference room and she told me she was sorry and that it was horrible that they had to do this, blah blah blah. and i know she meant it, but at that moment my heart sang. i walked out with my box packed, orchid sticking out the top, and thrilled beyond belief.

and then i began the fun life of freelance work/taking any job that came along, not working sometimes, applying and hearing nothing whatsoever, and saying i'd work for $300 to do a four month project because i needed the experience and then realizing that it was all a crock. - it does fit my life to some extent. in my twenties i had 22 jobs and moved 14 times. commitment isn't one of my strengths.

so here i am. starting a new year (a month late) with a plan to keep track of all the many jobs and interviews and applications that come my way.

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